
DX Products

DX Products

Products to promote DX (Digital Transformation) in factories and offices

Factory DX

Manufacturing Site Digitization Support - Duetics


We provide a one-stop service from data collection and connection to the cloud to analysis and utilization. High-quality operational efficiency is realized.

Smart Watch - MAMORINU

enstem CO., INC.

Safety management, business improvement, and efficiency enhancement are realized with this single system, such as heart rate monitoring, work load quantification, and work recording with a single tap.

Manufacturing Support/History Management - Digipro Master

Adrec CORP.

This system can unify manufacturing history with traceability management functions as standard equipment. Standardization of assembly quality is also realized.

Predictive Maintenance Solution - yocchi000


Aiming for “zero” failure risk. This is a predictive maintenance solution that notifies you before equipment failure.

AI Electronic Reporting - Mirai no Gemba Report

Next Genba INC.

AI converts paper forms currently in use into electronic forms. This helps to grasp the actual situation without changing the work site, and promotes data utilization.

Office DX

Cloud HR Software - SmartHR

SmartHR INC.

No.1 share in the cloud for labor management in the manufacturing industry*. It supports paperless operations and productivity factories.

Procurement Improvement Service - GENKEI LINK


Bulk quotation request and automatic response compilation functions drastically reduce procurement work time.

Let's make our own business application - kintone

Cybozu INC.

Cloud service that allows users to create applications without programming knowledge and with no code. Centralized management of scattered data is possible.

Enterprise search system - QuickSolution

Sumitomo Electric Information Systems CO., LTD.

No. 1 market share for 7 consecutive years! Cross-search information scattered on servers and in the cloud, drastically reducing the time spent searching for information.

Talent management - Talent Palette

Talent Palette

Realizes advanced decision-making for management and human resource strategies, next-generation human resource development, optimal placement, prevention of employee turnover, and enhanced recruitment.

*Some excerpts taken by Show Management from Exhibitors & Products Directory, in no particular order.

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