Techno GIS Indonesia

Techno GIS Indonesia

Stand shared with Main Stand HolderMinistry of Industry, Indonesia

Why visit our stand

Explore our advanced geoscience technology, high-precision GNSS, AI-enhanced drones, accurate echosounders, and detailed 3D scanners. See how our innovations drive precision & efficiency geospatial.


TechnoGIS offers advanced solutions in geoscience technology & location analysis across various industries. Utilizing geospatial data processing, artificial intelligence, & remote sensing. Our products: TGS Geodetic GNSS: High-precision calculation system Nivo: High-accuracy aerial monitoring drone with AI SBES Bluemarine: Echosounder for accurate underwater mapping GeoLiDAR: 3D scanner for detailed geospatial data GIS Survey Mobile App: AI-powered survey application. Our solutions deliver unmatched accuracy and performance for strategic insights & efficiency geospatial industry.

Brands we represent

TGS GNSS Geodetic, Nivo Drone, Application GIS Survey Mobile, Blue Marine, itSensing, T-GIS, GeoLiDAR, Camera Landcam Multipectral


Product Categories:IT, DX, 3D Printers

CAD/CAMCAE3D Data UtilizationHigh Performance PC, PlotterIoT SolutionAI SolutionRemote Monitoring

Product Categories:Components, Manufacturing Technology, Outsourcing

Design Engineer DispatchingEMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services)Assembly & Inspection Contract
Stand shared with Main Stand HolderMinistry of Industry, Indonesia


Green Technology For Sustainability Industry

INTEX Osaka, Japan
Mon 02 September - 14:05-14:20
Using eco-friendly technology to boost efficiency, reduce waste, and minimize pollution, aiming for sustainable products and practices.


IndonesiaStreet Pamularsih 152B, Klaseman Sinduharjo, Ngaglik

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