Bring Inspiration and Undiscovered Excitement to Manufacturing


To Bring Inspiration and Undiscovered Excitement to Manufacturing

We contribute to the sustainable growth of the manufacturing industry by organising an exhibition where tradition and innovation meet and inspire the future.


To be the Global Premier Business Exhibition for the Manufacturing Industry

It serves as a platform for people, products, and information from all over the world
and creates unique encounters here

Offer Three Values

1:Business Opportunities Across Enterprise-scale Boundaries

All types of companies, including large corporations, SMEs, and startups, are key participants

2:A Hub of Various Products and Technologies Converge

IT solutions, components, devices, equipment, and other products are gathered under one roof

3:An Innovation Space for the Manufacturing Industry

It can be an interaction between people of all generations, positions, occupations, and regions, where intellectual exploration and ideas are encouraged

Thoughts on the Symbol Mark

The design is based on the initials “M” and “W.” The initials letters from “Manufacturing World” and the Japanese translation “Monozukuri World” respectively. The two colors are blended together to represent the fusion of history and the future, creating a new form. It also expresses possibility by looking like the shape of.

Manufacturing World HISTORY


The predecessor of Manufacturing World
- CIM Japan was held for the first time at
Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Harumi)


A new moulding system corner was created,
and it led to be ”Additive Manufacturing Expo”


“Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo” and
“Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo”
rebranded as the current name


First “Manufacturing World Osaka”
was held at INTEX Osaka in September


Created “Machine Materials & Material
Processing Zone” at “Mechanical Components
& Materials Technology Expo”


Local government (Shimane Prefecture)
exhibited for the first time
Overseas companies (Taiwan) exhibited
for the first time


“Test/Measure/Sensor Fair” was created,
and it was lead to be “Measure/Test/Sensor Expo”
"Motion Technology Fair" was born as a major part of
“Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo”


Thailand national pavilion exhibited for the first time


China national pavilion exhibited for the first time


Korea national pavilion exhibited for the first time


Governor of Osaka Prefecture, Mr. Hashimoto
attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony


First “Medical Device Development Expo”


The Tokyo exhibition was held three months after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Exhibitors from Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki prefectures as well as other disaster-stricken areas participated


First launched “Manufacturing World Nagoya”
at Port Messe Nagoya in April

First “Factory Facilities & Equipment Expo Osaka”


First “Aerospace Technology & Components Expo Nagoya”


96 municipalities and public bodies
from all over the country exhibited !

First ”Industrial AI/IoT Expo Osaka”


First “Additive Manufacturing Expo”


First “Measure/Test/Sensor Expo”

The exhibition was postponed from April to September,
and was changed venue at the Aichi Sky Expo


During the third declaration of a state of
emergency, Nagoya exhibition was held


Two shows newly launched in October
“Manufacturing Digital Transformation Expo”
”Industrial ODM/EMS Expo”


June: Announced new vision of Manufacturing World
October: Released new symbol mark

First networking event for women in manufacturing industry and first student exhibition tour.

November 29[Wed]–December 1[Fri]
Newly launched “Manufacturing World Fukuoka”


First “Manufacturing Cyber Security Expo”

First “Smart Maintenance Expo”